Event Details
Event Information
Dundee City Disability Sport, in partnership with Leisure and Culture Dundee and supported by PAMIS are delighted to invite entries from across Scotland to Discovery Games Motor Activity Training Programme day at Dundee’s Regional Performance Centre.
This is the first time that SOMA has been included within Discovery Games for a number of years and we are delighted to see its return.
The Regional Performance Centre is and excellent facility for this type of event as the building is fully accessible. There is good parking, low level entrance, changing places toilet and access directly to the sports hall.
A tour of the facility can be found using the link below.
What is SOMA?
The word SOMA comes from the Greek meaning “Body” and also stand for Sporting Opportunities for Motor Activities.
Sporting Opportunities for Motor Activities (SOMA) is a physical activity methodology especially devised for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD).
It has been designed to allow people with a physical and learning disabilities to take part in meaningful, fun and safe physical activities focusing on motor skills.
SOMA sessions use a number of specially designed activity stations aiming to develop motor skills while providing a suitable and stimulating activity for people with PMLD.
SOMA is very much a person-centred activity.
Each activity station is designed to focus on one or multiple motor skills
Each activity can also be modified to suit individual’s needs
During each SOMA activity the aim is to -
Perform a task/skill.
Perform the task/skill consistently.
Develop and enhance task/skills being performed.
PAMIS appreciates there are different degrees to learning disabilities; however, each individual lifetime experiences, motivations, likes and dislikes can be incorporated into their SOMA experience to make it suitable, enjoyable and beneficial.
Fees of £5.00 per player per event. All cheques should be made payable to Dundee City Disability Sport.